Thursday, February 5, 2015

ARC Review - Bridged

by Kendra Elliot

I received an ARC of this book from the Publisher, via Netgalley, in exchange for an honest review.

Bridged is the sequel to Vanished, in the Bone Secrets world. I've not read the Bone Secrets series, but I did read Vanished, and I wrote the following: "Solid suspense with interesting, rational adults for a heroine and hero."

Bridged was really kind of slow to start out, and events do seem kind of random at the beginning. There's a couple of sub plots, one of which includes Ava's crazy twin sister. I found the mystery part really entertaining, because this serial killer was a bit strange and deviated from the norm. And, Ava and Mason's romance was a warm comforting burn rather than a conflagration, which balanced the plot as nicely as the two balance each other. By the end of it, sub plots were resolved and made sense, the killer's motivations were illuminated rendering the killer human and somewhat pitiable, and there was enough action and suspense to do the job for what was slower in the rest of the book.

In the end I am giving this 3.5 stars, and making a mental note that Kendra Elliot's monsters aren't so very monstrous - they are human and understandable, which for me at least makes them just a bit more horrifying.

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