Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Goodreads "Ask the Author"

So about a week ago I received a messae from Goodreads:

"Hi Erin,
You're receiving this message because you've rated a book by Lynsay Sands. We have some exciting news for you!

In celebration of her new book, To Marry a Scottish Laird, Lynsay is currently taking questions from Goodreads members as part of a new program we launched called "Ask the Author."

Lynsay is taking questions from Goodreads members until Wednesday, July 9th. Click here to ask her a question! If Lynsay answers your question, you will be notified via email message and notification on Goodreads.

"Ask the Author" launched in late May with more than 50 authors answering questions. Click here to see who participated. More authors will be participating soon, so stay tuned!

The Goodreads team "

And I was super excited, but honestly I am really bad at thinking of questions for anyone, not just authors, so this is what I came up with:

"I was immediately intrigued by Saidh and as I was reading To Marry a Scottish Laird I was hoping she'd be next, since she is, will you tell us one new thing we don't already know about her?"

I never actually expected she'd pick my question to answer, but, she did!

"I like Saidh too...Let me see...hmmm, something you don't know...Well she's got something like seven brothers who presently have my attention and I was thinking of writing a couple of stories for some of them after I finish with Saidh and the other girls."

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